Our Christ centered holistic approach
A long-term family and a mindful trauma informed approach is something our girls need to fully escape the pain of yesterday and live in victory for today and tomorrow. It can take years to dig up the roots of the pain and suffering that have been experienced before entering our home. In the CTL home, the needs of the whole child are met: physical, mental, medical, educational, emotional and spiritual.

Our approach to education is highly individualized. We partner with 4 different private schools that provide an excellent education. In the Philippines, the standard ratio of teachers to students is 1 teacher to a classroom of 80 students. We also have a wonderful homeschool program that provides a solid foundation from which our girls can grow and learn at their own pace with teachers that are committed to teach based on the girls' needs. If girls are able and want to, we bring them all the way through college. For some of our girls, we even see them all the way through a masters program. If college is not the right fit, we find other avenues for the girls to continue learning and growing in their walk with Jesus. It is important to us that our girls are equipped with a proper education in order to break the chains of generational poverty and be economically empowered & encouraged to explore and live into their purpose.
A Loving Family

Creating an environment that is governed by the Holy Spirit and within Jesus' design is a core value of ours. Life in the CtL family is special because our vision and hope are eternal and from the Creator. Just like any other family, the girls are expected to play an active role in our family by helping cook meals, cleaning bathrooms and bedrooms, doing their laundry, helping out on grocery shopping runs, and other typical household chores. There is also plenty of room for fun, and plenty of girls to have fun with. The girls are always playing sports, crafting, swimming, studying, playing games, and spending quality time together. Family time is also something that happens every night, where intentional time is created to be together in the "Sala" or "living room" in English where the girls spend time praying, reading scripture, worshipping, or praying together as a family.

Jesus's teaching in Luke 12 inspired the name "Consider the Lily." Jesus is speaking with his disciples when he says "which one of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life." He follows this statement by asking the disciples, if the Father cares for the birds of the air and lilies of the field, by feeding and clothing them, how much more will He care for His children? This invitation by Jesus to trust the Father and His compassionate heart for His creation is what us inspired us. Essentially, our desire is to teach our girls about Jesus. To share the eternal hope of Heaven - to communicate that through knowing Him, they can have hope without worry of tomorrow. Hope that is rooted in nothing of this world - that rests in the hands of God, where they can trust and know that He will always walk with them and lead them in Love.